My Resume Workflow

 · 3 min read

I have been writing and compiling my resume on Overleaf, and hosting the project on GitHub. Just to give you a bit of its background, Overleaf is something like Google Docs for \(\LaTeX\). It provides a \(\LaTeX\) environment in your browser, and you can collaborate on the same document with other users.

Overleaf is good for creating \(\LaTeX\) documents, but I want to have my resume readily available on the Internet, and ideally, whenever I make changes to the \(\TeX\) file, a compiled version of the document will be uploaded to a file hosting site. Now Overleaf and even other \(\TeX\) distributions are not all-purpose – the only things you can do in the Overleaf are: export the project as PDF, or sync the project with Dropbox, Git or GitHub.

One way I could think of, is to trigger a build whenever I push changes to/tag a commit in the GitHub repo, and automagically upload the artifacts to GitHub. Free file hosting, great! To do so, let’s create a GitHub Actions workflow in a repo that contains a .tex file, which will:

  1. Compiles the \(\TeX\) source file into PDF
  2. Create a release on GitHub
  3. Upload the PDF as a part of the release
name: CI

      - 'v*'

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Code
        uses: actions/checkout@master
      - name: Compile LaTex Resume
        uses: xu-cheng/latex-action@master
          root_file: resume.tex
      - name: Create Release
        id: create_release
        uses: actions/create-release@master
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          tag_name: ${{ github.ref }}
          release_name: Release ${{ github.ref }}
          draft: false
          prerelease: false
      - name: Upload Release Asset
        id: upload-release-asset 
        uses: actions/upload-release-asset@master
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}
          asset_path: ./resume.pdf
          asset_name: resume.pdf
          asset_content_type: application/pdf

I added a condition:

      - 'v*'

so that it only creates a release when I tag a commit. Voilà! The PDF should then be available at I have made my resume repo a “template” so that you can use the same workflow (or you can copy & paste the file :wink:). This method does not only work for Overleaf, it works for any \(\TeX\) distributions!

Thanks for reading my first blog post! It’s been quite some time since I started making this site1. Really enjoyed building this site from scratch, and hopefully I will keep updating the blog.

  1. First commit was on Jun 26, 2018, lol